LUMI Sweden Fall 2024 call

The following resources are available in the LUMI Sweden Fall 2024 call (period: 1 January – 31 December 2025):

  • LUMI, general computational resource
    More information about LUMI

    LUMI consists of several partitions. This call is for the Swedish shares of the LUMI-G GPU partition, the LUMI-C CPU partition, and the storage partitions LUMI-F, LUMI-P, and LUMI-O. GPU and CPU compute capacity is applied for using GPU hours and core hours respectively for the entire call. The LUMI-C is a supplementary resource to LUMI-G. Large requests for LUMI-C only are discouraged.

    You are encouraged to distribute your resource consumption as evenly as possible over the project lifetime since we cannot guarantee that capacity is available at the end of the project duration.

    Please note that storage, if needed, has to be applied for within the call. LUMI storage is billed on a running-cost basis. You have to apply for a total number of TB x hours, not the maximum disk quota. Storage is applied for using TB hours. Flash storage, LUMI-F, is accounted at ten times the TB-hour rate, i.e. using 1 TB of flash storage for one hour costs 10 TB hours. Lustre storage, LUMI-P, is accounted at the TB-hour rate. CEPH object storage, LUMI-O, is accounted at 0.5 times the TB-hour rate, i.e. using 1 TB of CEPH storage for one hour costs 0.5 TB hours.

    You may combine the three types of storage at your own discretion as long as you stay within the quota approved for your project and never exceed it for any of the storage types at any time. You may need to contact the LUMI helpdesk at the start of the project to raise your maximum disk quota if you have large storage allocations.

Who is eligible to apply?

This round is for researchers with an established track record of using HPC efficiently for their research projects and with resource requirements that exceed the limits of what can be applied for in the Medium round. Large proposals may request allocations on several resources.

The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for the proposal and usage of any granted resources. You cannot be a PI for Medium Compute and Large Compute resources simultaneously. If you are already the PI for a Medium resource it will be terminated if you are granted a Large allocation.

The applicant must be at least an assistant professor at an eligible Swedish institution. NAISS is financed by Swedish tax payers with the objective to strengthen science and research in Sweden. To apply for these resources, the PI must therefore hold an appointment of at least 60 percent at a Swedish university or research institution recognised by the Swedish Research Council.

The research supported by these resources must be predominantly carried out in Sweden. This aspect is taken into account during the evaluation and, in the case of strong competition, can be used to prioritise applications. Additionally, the applicant must have experience from using HPC resources at least at the Medium level, or a corresponding level abroad.

How to register a proposal

It is important that your proposal includes the intended usage and characteristics of the compute resources and application programmes that you would like to run.

Register your proposal via the Swedish User and Project Repository (SUPR) website at

The deadline to submit a proposal for the LUMI Sweden 2024 call is 11 October 15:00 CEST.

If you have previously been granted NAISS resources, you have to upload activity reports for those projects to be eligible for new allocations.

PI information

Please review your personal information in SUPR and make sure that it is updated.

Project information

When registering a proposal in SUPR you must always provide the following basic information:

  • Project title
  • Affiliation – name of university/institute or similar
  • Abstract – a project abstract in English
  • Classification – according to Research Council classification codes

For LUMI Sweden projects you also have to upload three separate PDF files with the following:

  1. The CV of the PI. Maximum 2 pages.
  2. A publication list of the PI.
  3. A project description. Maximum 6.5 pages. Please note that this is a summary of what should be included. You will find detailed instructions in SUPR when clicking the “Add Project Description” button in the proposal registration form.
    • Overview (0.5 page)
      An abstract of the proposed research and computations.
    • Resource usage, codes, and performance (1.5 pages)
      Explain how your application makes efficient use of the requested resources. Give numbers and/or indicate measures of scalability and performance.
    • Data management plan (1.5 pages)
      Explain how you will use the requested storage and how data will be managed on the system. Motivate and provide explicit numbers related to size, generation rate, number of files et cetera. Describe:
      – if and how data will be made publicly available following the end of the project;
      – if a general-purpose data repository such as Zenodo will be used.
    • Scientific challenges (2 pages)
      Explain how the proposed project is representing state-of-the-art research in your scientific area and the potential of expanding knowledge within it, and how you are planning to use adequate computational methods to address scientific questions.
    • Research group and management (0.5 page)
      Describe the full research group that will be involved in the proposed project. Include names of members, HPC experience, positions, and roles.
    • References (0.5 page)
      A list of references that are relevant to the proposal, such as previous works, papers, and methods.

Review and notification of results

The review process commences after the allocations round has closed. Proposals are subject to scientific and technical review. Scientific review is performed by NAC and external evaluators, while technical review is performed by NAC-WG (the NAC Working Group).

Decisions about the LUMI Sweden Fall 2024 round will be announced by email no later than early December.

Other Fall 2024 calls

NAISS Large Compute Fall 2024 call

NAISS Large Storage Fall 2024 call